About Us
Pragati Saving and Credit Co-operative Society, located in a semi rural urban area of Bardiya district 527 kilometres midwest of Kathmandu, was established in 1995 by a group of 46 people including teachers, peasants and social workers in initiation of Mr. Ghan Narayan Shrestha, The purpose of establishing this co-operative society was to fight against extreme poverty that existed in this area for hundreds of years and raise their socio economic status of people through self-help, self-reliance and solidarity among community members.
The co-operative society was organized to full fill the basic financial needs of the poor and deprived people and to provide awareness ,education and skill through a well-established and sustainable financial institution with ownership and financial participation of its own members so that they can get the service easily whenever they need. It was registered under co-operative act in 1993 and affiliated to NEFSCUN in 2001. supporter The long term goal of this organization is to create a highly prosperous society through self-help, self-reliance co-operation and solidarity among people. It is a community based cooperative organization owned and managed by its members. Each member contributes share capital and gets benefit on the basis of his/her investment in share capital and the volume of transactions. A 15 member board of directors, elected by the general assembly, is responsible for the management of the whole activities of the organization and a 3 member internal audit committee is elected for the supervision of overall activities of the organization. There is a team of staff led by a Chief Manager who is responsible for the whole management and completely accountable to the board of directors. This organization is noted for its efficient management, wide recognition in community, expansion of working area throughout Bardiya district.
VISION “The supreme SACCOS to provide the accurate financial service to members for efficients community”
MISSION “To improve the economic,social,cultural and environmental condition of members implementing with policy, methodology, approximate technology, qualitative, competitive as well as availability of financial and non financial service throughefficient human power.”