Chairman Message

Dear Beloved Community People and Valued Members, I have spent my time on reflecting the founder chairperson’s way of developing community through the saving and credit movement in Bardiya District. As a chairperson of our Pragati SACCOS, I have the privilege of making plan to achieve financial success providing qualitative product and service to its members. Pragati always concentrates it plans to fulfill members dream. I would like to ensure that our practice will be guided by set of comprehensive operational manual and procedures as well as guidelines. We always put the member’s interest first while we take any decision and our prudent decision will be taken with the consultation of our competent and professional management team. I am full confident with our practice and policies that provide help for the continuity of our SACCOS by ensuring the members of the board and sub-committees are competent and understand their roles and responsibilities. My BOD team is fully committed to safeguard the investment and the asset of members and perform our function with high degree of professionalism and integrity and high moral values. Whether in small, rural villages or in our global community, lives are changing every day. I am sure enough that Pragati is capable to provide qualitative services taking the credit union principle and philosophies in our heart. We envision for safe and sound SACCOS and prosperous members. I thank you for the people who joined Pragati and I welcome all the people from our working area who are going to join Pragati.

Bijay Shah